LaFayette Town Court
PO Box 135
LaFayette, NY 13084
A letter of representation needs to be sent to the court before any information can be released to the attorney
1. Can our paperwork be faxed to the court?
Yes. Either fax or mail but don't do both! Our court clerks don't need to double their work.
2. Can adjournment requests be faxed to the court?
Yes. Please be considerate and don't fax adjournment requests the day of court.
3. Does the court notify my client if I request an adjournment?
No. The attorneys office is responsible for notifying the client if they request an adjournment.
4. If you change your office phone number, fax, or address, please let us know so we can keep our records up to date. If you leave a practice to go to another practice, we will need to have this updated information as well.
5. Court starts at 6pm on Wednesdays unless you have been notified of a different time.
6. Evictions are scheduled by the court and are done on Wednesdays before court.
7. Can fines be paid in court?
Yes. Money order, cash, or escrow account checks. No personal checks please.
8. Can the attorney sign their clients DA dispositions?
No. Unless they have an authorization waiver signed by their client allowing them to sign it. A copy of the authorization waiver should be sent to the court with the DA disposition.
Yes. Either fax or mail but don't do both! Our court clerks don't need to double their work.
2. Can adjournment requests be faxed to the court?
Yes. Please be considerate and don't fax adjournment requests the day of court.
3. Does the court notify my client if I request an adjournment?
No. The attorneys office is responsible for notifying the client if they request an adjournment.
4. If you change your office phone number, fax, or address, please let us know so we can keep our records up to date. If you leave a practice to go to another practice, we will need to have this updated information as well.
5. Court starts at 6pm on Wednesdays unless you have been notified of a different time.
6. Evictions are scheduled by the court and are done on Wednesdays before court.
7. Can fines be paid in court?
Yes. Money order, cash, or escrow account checks. No personal checks please.
8. Can the attorney sign their clients DA dispositions?
No. Unless they have an authorization waiver signed by their client allowing them to sign it. A copy of the authorization waiver should be sent to the court with the DA disposition.