LaFayette Town Court
2577 US RT 11
PO Box 135
LaFayette, NY 13084
Phone: 315-677-9350
Fax: 315-677-4622
Question & Answer Section
Table of Contents
1. Filling out ticket:
2. Fine not on ticket:
3. Surcharge:
4. Paying fine
5. Not guilty plea
6. District Attorney paperwork
7. Don't pay fine
8. Equipment violation
9. Hut Permit
10. Calling the court
11. Evictions
12. Small claims
13. Court cancellations due to bad weather
1. Filling out ticket:
2. Fine not on ticket:
3. Surcharge:
4. Paying fine
5. Not guilty plea
6. District Attorney paperwork
7. Don't pay fine
8. Equipment violation
9. Hut Permit
10. Calling the court
11. Evictions
12. Small claims
13. Court cancellations due to bad weather
1. What do I do with my ticket?
Ans: Fill out the guilty or not guilty portion of the ticket and mail it to the court. You can also fax your plea to us at (315)677-4622. Make sure your address is correct on the ticket. If not, please include the correct address in the guilty or not guilty section. You will receive a District attorney appointment date letter if you plead not guilty or a fine notice from us if you plead guilty.
2. Why isn't the fine amount on the ticket?
Ans: The Judge sets the fine after you send in your guilty plea.
3. Why do I have to pay a surcharge of $93.00?
Ans: The state of New York has mandated a surcharge be paid. The courts are required to collect the surcharge. They have no discretion in this matter.