Local Laws
Title: Local Law 1-2024
To amend Chapter 290 (Zoning), Article (District Regulations), Section 290-7 (Hamlet District) of the Code for the Town of LaFayette to add a new permitted use
Title: Local Law 2-2024
To amend Chapter 290 (Zoning), Article IV (Parking: Signs, etc.), Section 290-16 (Parking) of the Code for the Town of LaFayette to change the number of required parking spaces.
Title: Local Law 3-2024
To override the tax levy limit established in NY General Municipal Law § 3-c
Title: Local Law 1-2023
To amend Chapter 116 of the Code for the Town of LaFayette to update the code enforcement program of the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 2-2023
To amend Chapter 290 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of LaFayette by adding new section 290-25.1 regulating the installation and operation of large wind energy systems
Title: Local Law 3-2023
To amend Chapter 245 (Taxation) of the Code for the Town of LaFayette to add a new Article IX creating a Volunteer Firefighter and Volunteer Ambulance Workers Real Property Tax Exemption with the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 4-2023
To amend Chapter 137 (dogs) of the Code of the Town of LaFayette by changing the title to read "Dog and Cat Control" and adding new controls on cats and dogs.
Title: Local Law 5-2023
To override the tax levy limit established in NY General Municipal Law 3-c.
Title: Local Law 1-2022
To amend Chapter 290, section 290-32(H) (Solar Fams) of the Code of the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 2-2022
To amend the zoning map referenced in Chapter 290 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of LaFayette to change the zoning classification of the parcels located at 3218 and 3222 Route 11 from AG - Agricultural/Residential to I-Industrial
Title: Local Law 3-2022
A local law creating Chapter 90 Entitled "Town Board Policies" that implements various town policies and procedures including videoconferencing for town public bodies
Title: Local Law 4-2022
To override the tax levy limit established in NY General Municipal Law § 3-C
Title: Local Law 1-2021 -
To amend Chapter 15 (Conservation Commission) of the Code of the Town of LaFayette by changing the composition and voting rights of its members.
Title: Local Law 2-2021
Local law to opt out of Real Property Tax Law 487 exemption.
Title: Local Law 3 - 2021
Local law adopted pursuant to New York Cannabis Law 131 opting out of licensing and establishing retail cannabis dispensaries and on-site cannabis consumption establishments within the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Local Law 4 - 2021
A local law prohibiting the smoking and vaping of cannabis products at all Town of LaFayette Owned properties.
Title: Local Law 1 2020 -
Local Law to adopt a revised zoning code for the Town of LaFayette and amend the zoning maps referenced in Article I, Section C of the Town of LaFayette 1970 Zoning Ordinance to add a new R1 district.
Title: Local Law 2 2020 -
A local law to provide for the codification of the local laws, ordinances and certain resolutions of the Town of LaFayette into a Municipal Code to be designated the "Code of the Town of LaFayette".
Title: Local Law 1 2019 -
Local Law To provide for the residency requirement of appointed public officers
Title: Local Law 1 2018 -
Local Law to Amend the 1970 Zoning Ordinance of the Town of LaFayette to add a new article regulating Solar Energy systems in the town.
Title: Local Law 2 2018 -
Local Law to Amend the 1970 Zoning Ordinance of the Town of LaFayette to add provisions governing site plan review for manure storage facilities associated with concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO’s) and to repeal Local Law No. 2-2017 which related to the same subject matter
Title: Local Law 3 2018 -
Local Law Overriding the Tax Levy Limit Established in the New York General Municipal Law §3-c in and for the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 1 2017 -
Local Law Extending for an additional 6-month period the Moratorium on Free Standing Solar Panel Installations with the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 2 2017 -
Local Law to AMEND the 1970 Zoning Ordinance of the Town of LaFayette to Create Site Plan Review Regulations for Liquid Manure Storage Facilities.
Title: Local Law 3 2017 -
Local Law Overriding the Tax Levy Limit Established in the New York General Municipal Law §3-c in and for the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 4 2017 -
Local Law AMENDING Local Law 3-2009 relating to a Tax Exemption for Cold War Veterans in Accordance with §458-b of the New York State Real Property Tax Law
Title: Local Law 5 2017 -
Local Law Extending for an Additional 6-month period the Moratorium on the Review and/ or Issuance of Any and All Permits, Certificates, Licenses, and Appeals for the Construction, Use or Operation of Free Standing Solar Panel Installations within the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 1 2016 -
Local Law AMENDING Local Law 1-1987 to repeal the existing language and to enact replacement language relating to Flood Damage Prevention in the Town of LaFayette, as authorized by the New York State Constitution, Article IX, Section 2 and the Environmental Conservation Law, Article 36 and adopting new flood maps for the Town.
Title: Local Law 2 2016 -
Local Law AMENDING Section1 of Local Law 4-2009 to Repeal the Existing Language and Replace it with New Language Relating to the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Title: Local Law 3 2016 -
Local Law Imposing a 6-month Moratorium on Free Standing Solar Panel Installations with the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 1 2015 -
Local Law to Enact New Regulations Regarding the Abatement of Unhealthful, Hazardous and Dangerous Conditions due to Accumulations of Brush, Grass, and Weeds on Improved Property within the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 2 2015 -
Local Law to Enact the Town of LaFayette Computer System Security Breach Notification Policy
Title: Local Law 1 2014 -
Local Law Authorizing the Town of LaFayette Town Board to override the limit on the amount of real property taxes that may be levied by the Town of LaFayette pursuant to General Municipal Law §3-c, and allow the Town of LaFayette to adopt a Town Budget for the fiscal year 2015 which is in excess of the “tax levy limit”.
Title: Local Law 1 2013 -
Local Law Extending the Moratorium and Prohibition within the Town of LaFayette on Natural Gas and Petroleum Exploration and Extraction Activities, Underground Storage or Natural Gas, and Disposal of Natural Gas or Petroleum Extraction, Exploration and Production Wastes
Title: Local Law 1 2012 -
Local Law Effecting a Moratorium and Prohibition within the Town of LaFayette on Natural Gas and Petroleum Exploration and Extraction Activities, Underground Storage of Natural Gas, and Disposal of Natural Gas or Petroleum Extraction, Exploration and Production Wastes
Title: Local Law 2 2012 -
Local Law to AMEND Stormwater Management Requirements and Controls in the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 3 2012 -
Local Law AMENDING Law 3-2009 relating to an Exemption for Cold War Veterans in Accordance with New York State Real Property Tax Law § 458-b, to provide a New Definition for Cold War Veteran.
Title: Local Law 1 2011 - Local Law Amending the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of LaFayette, Originally Adopted by the Town of LaFayette Planning Board on May 12, 1987 Approved by the Town of LaFayette Town Board on July 13, 1987 and Ratified by the Town Board by local Law 4-2007, As Amended
Title: Local Law 2 2011 -
Local Law Amending Local Law 2-2007, Regulating Erosion/ Sediment Control & Stormwater Management in the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law No. 2 (.pdf) [12 KB]
Date: 1995
Summary: Imposes a moratorium prohibiting the issuance of specific permits and/or controlled site approval for accessory uses to single family dwellings in agricultural/residential districts.
Title: Ordinance - Adult Uses (.pdf) [23 KB]
Date: April 9th, 2001
Summary: Amends the 1970 Zoning Ordinance with respect to adult uses.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1983 (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: April 11th, 1983
Summary: Related to the issuance and service of appearance tickets.
Title: Full Value Approved (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: January 28th, 1997
Title: Local Law 2 - 1993 (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: March 8th, 1993
Summary: Adopts a uniform percentage of assessment value.
Title: Local Law 1 - 2008 - Persons with Disabilities Exemption (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: February 11th, 2008
Summary: Amends Local Law 1 - 2004. Provides an increase in the partial real property tax exemptions for persons with disabilities whose incomes are limited by reason of such disabilities and raising income levels ranging from $27,000 to $35,400 for 2008, $28,000 to $36,400 for 2009, and $29,000 to $37,400 for 2010.
Title: Partial Exemption From Real Proper Taxes for Persons 65+ (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: February 11th, 2008
Summary: Resolution authorizing a partial exemption from real property taxes for persons 65 years of age and older and increasing the income limitation relative to same in the Town of LaFayette from $27,000 to $35,400 for 2008, $28,000 to $36,400 for 2009, and $29,000 to $37,400 for 2010.
Title: Local Law 1 - 2007 - Veterans Tax Exemption Law (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: February 26th, 2007
Summary: Amends Local Law 2 - 1998. Related to the implementation of the authority granted local taxing jurisdictions by Section 458-a of the New York Real Property Tax Law regarding veteran's real property exemption.
Title: Local Law 3 - 2004 (.pdf) [13 KB]
Date: September 27th, 2004
Summary: Allows local municipalities to establish a category of tax exemption for improvements to residential real property, in accordance with New York State Real Property Tax Law 459, that facilitates and accommodates the use and accessibility of the real property for persons who are physically disabled.
Title: State Law Establishing 4-Year Terms
Date: 1981
Title: Resolution - 3 Assessors Elected (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: April 8th, 1834
Title: Resolution - 3 Assessors (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: August 10th, 1832
Title: Local Law 3 - 1992 (.pdf) [47 KB]
Date: June 15th, 1992
Summary: Authorizes the conduct of bingo by authorized organizations in the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Motion - Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Issuance (.pdf) [12 KB]
Date: February 9th, 1998
Summary: Authorization to issue Temporary Certificate of Occupancy as long as portion or portions of building may be occupied safely.
Title: Motion - Building Permit Fees
Date: September 23rd, 1996
Summary: Increases building permit fees.
Title: Local Law 2 - 1982 (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: March 8th, 1982
Summary: Repeals the business investment tax exemption.
Title: Motion - Returned for Insufficient Funds Fee
Date: February 26th, 1996
Title: Motion - Posting of Fee
Date: February 26th, 1996
Title: Ordinance - Licensing
Date: May 10th, 1955
Summary: Regulates circuses, carnivals, shows or other exhibitions for money or hire in any place within the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Local Law 3 - 1998 - NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (.pdf) [25 KB]
Date: May 4th, 1998
Summary: Provides for the administration and enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Title: Resolution - Enforce Zoning and Junk Yard (.pdf) [16 KB]
Date: June 27th, 1983
Summary: Authorizes the Zoning Officer to administer and enforce the Zoning Ordinance, investigate complaints, make inspections, serve notices of violations, issue appearance tickets to the extent authorized by state and local law, and institute such further action as necessary to terminate violations of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Electrical Inspection Ordinance (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: June 11th, 1973
Summary: Establishes the position of Electrical Inspector and sets forth duties and violations there under.
Title: Ordinance Amending Electrical Inspection Ordinance
Date: September 13th, 1993
Summary: Amends Section 1 - Electrical Inspector definition.
Title: Resolution - First Zoning Officer (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: June 16th, 1958
Summary: Appoints the first Zoning Offices.
Title: Local Law 3 - 1982 - Powers (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: March 22nd, 1982
Summary: Expands the powers of the Town Constables.
Title: Resolution - 5 Be Elected
Date: February 11th, 1896
Title: Local Law 1 - 1968 (.pdf) [17 KB]
Date: December 9th, 1968
Summary: Provides for the continuity of government of the Town of LaFayette in the event of an attack or public disaster.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1998 - Dangerous Conditions (.pdf) [14 KB]
Date: February 23rd, 1998
Summary: Requires prior written notice of certain dangerous conditions.
Title: Local Law 3 - 2000 - Development and Project Fees (.pdf) [27 KB]
Date: August 14th, 2000
Summary: Relates to development and project fees in the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Disaster Preparedness Plan (.pdf) [39 KB]
Date: 1993 (adopted); August 2003 (updated/approved)
Summary: The Disaster Preparedness Plan is prepared for the Town of LaFayette by the authority of Article 2-B of the New York State Executive Law for Comprehensive Emergency Management Planning.
Title: Local Law 1 - 2007 - Dog Seizure Fees in the Town of LaFayette (.pdf) [13 KB]
Date: January 8th, 2007
Summary: Amends Local law 1 - 1981 pertaining to dog seizure fees in the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Resolution - Impoundment Fees (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: April 8th, 2002
Summary: Determines and sets impoundment fees.
Title: Animal Control Guidelines (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: August 25th, 1999
Summary: Establishes animal control guidelines.
Title: Local Law 3 - 1978 - Dog License Fees (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: September 25th, 1978
Summary: Increases dog license fees.
Title: Ordinance (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: February 28th, 1994
Summary: Creates a new type of felony drug offense for the criminal sale of a controlled substance, including alcohol, to a person less than 19 years of age in or on the property of an elementary or high school or within 1000 feet of the school's boundary line.
Title: Amendment
Date: October 24th, 2005
Summary: Amends health insurance contributions.
Title: Local Law 2 - 1985 - Environmental Quality Review (.pdf) [15 KB]
Date: April 8th, 1985
Summary: Pursuant to Article 8 of the New York Environmental Conservation Law providing for environmental quality review of actions which might have a significant effect on the environment.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1971 - Establishment of Commission (.pdf) [15 KB]
Date: April 12th, 1971
Summary: Establishes a commission for conservation of the environment of the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1992 - Code and Board of Ethics (.pdf) [15 KB]
Date: February 24th, 1992
Summary: Relates to a Code of Ethics and a Board of Ethics for the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Guidelines and Application (.pdf) [19 KB]
Date: 2003
Title: Motion - 4.5 Feet High (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: March 14th, 1826
Title: Fire Protection District (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: June 18th, 1945
Summary: Establishes a fire protection district.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1987 - Flood Damage Prevention (.pdf) [33 KB]
Date: February 23rd, 1987
Summary: Amends Local Law 3 - 1985.
Title: Law 1 - 1978 - Authorizing Games of Chance (.pdf) [28 KB]
Date: 1978
Summary: Authorizes the conduct of games of chance by authorized organizations in the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Local Law 2 - 1994 - Regulation and Licensing of Hawkers, Peddlers and Solicitors (.pdf) [15 KB]
Date: August 8th, 1994
Summary: Relates to the regulation and licensing of hawkers, peddlers and solicitors in the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Application Form Amended
Date: 1994
Title: Summer Ridge/Naomi Rd. Extension
Date: February 9th, 2004
Summary: Dedicates section of Naomi Road.
Title: Hazardous Material Response Plan (.pdf) [24 KB]
Date: March 19th, 2002
Summary: Addresses health and safety protection for the Town of LaFayette Highway Department.
Title: Written Hazard Communication Program (.pdf) [17 KB]
Date: 2002
Summary: Ensures that the Town of LaFayette is in compliance with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) 29CFR1910.1200.
Title: Lockout Tagout Program (.pdf) [24 KB]
Date: 2002
Summary: Establishes the minimum requirements for the lockout or tagout of energy isolating devices.
Title: Hazardous Material Incident Procedure (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: 2002
Summary: Addresses the health and safety of employees who could encounter hazardous material incidents during performance of their routine duties.
Title: Motion - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program (.pdf) [13 KB]
Date: February 26th, 1996
Summary: Adopts the regulations of the drug and alcohol testing program.
Title: Highway Construction Specifications Adopted (.pdf) [64 KB]
Date: June 1984
Summary: Adopts the highway contraction specifications. Amended November 26th, 2001.
Title: Ordinance - Apulia Road and West Shore Manor Traffic (.pdf) [13 KB]
Date: July 3rd, 1967
Summary: Prohibits the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles on both sides of Apulia Road between Coye and Crolick residence and on both sides of Apulia from north of Virgil White farm to Erie Lackawanna Railroad crossing and on both sides of West Shore Manor.
Title: Resolution - Winacre Drive Extension (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: May 29th, 1963
Summary: Establishes the Winacre Drive extension.
Title: Resolution - Q-Track (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: August 23rd, 1956
Summary: Accepts portion of .1386 mile.
Title: Resolution - Route 81 (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: June 21st, 1954
Summary: Endorses proposed expressway.
Title: Resolution - One Commissioner (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: February 18th, 1951
Title: Resolution - Two Commissioners (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: February 16th, 1947
Title: Resolution - Jamesville Crossing renamed West Shore Manor (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: August 5th, 1940
Title: Thornapple Lane (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: March 26th, 2001
Summary: Certificate of Abandonment.
Title: Ordinance - Meeker Hill Road Conveyance (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: July 9th, 1990
Summary: Discontinues portion to Conners and Plumptons.
Title: Motion - Old Route 11 (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: June 24th, 1996
Summary: Establishes the Town of Lafayette has no use for this portion of road.
Title: Resolution - Unused Portion Route 11 (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: June 11th, 1962
Title: Resolution - Unused Portion Route 11 (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: August 14th, 1961
Title: Resolution - Conklin Falls Bridge #13 and Tunnell Hill Bridge #15 (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: November 10th, 1938
Summary: Abandons the Conklin Falls Road Bridge No. 13 and Tunnell Hill Road Bridge No. 15.
Title: Motion - Groth Road (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: October 13th, 1997
Summary: Establishes no parking for the last 150 feet of road and the bus turnaround.
Title: Motion - Jamesville Grove to Jamesville Dam, Route 91 (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: February 24th, 1997
Summary: Establishes no parking from Jamesville Dam to the Grove along Route 91.
Title: Motion - End of Markland Road (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: October 28th, 1996
Title: Ordinance - County Garage Road (.pdf) [15 KB]
Date: October 15th, 1993
Summary: Establishes no parking on both sides of County Garage Road (Route 267).
Title: Ordinance - Smokey Hollow Road (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: November 28th, 1988
Summary: Establishes no parking 250 feet of culvert under Smokey Hollow Road.
Title: Local Law 4 - 1985 - Parking on Dodge and Onativia Roads (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: October 28th, 1985
Summary: Establishes no parking on Dodge Road and Onativia Road.
Title: Ordinance - Ochsner Road (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: April 11th, 1983
Summary: Establishes no parking on Ochsner Road right-of-way from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Title: Ordinance - Apulia Road (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: July 14th, 1980
Summary: Establishes no parking on both sides of Apulia Road from Dodge Road to 2000 feet north.
Title: Ordinance - Berry and Chase Roads (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: September 12th, 1977
Summary: Establishes no parking on both sides of Berry Road from Morezak Road to Maplewood Cemetery.
Title: Ordinance - Mondore Drive (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: May 16th, 1974
Summary: Establishes no parking on the north side of Mondore Drive from Route 11 to Bella Vista Drive.
Title: Ordinance - Cook Farm Road and West Shore Manor (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: August 10th, 1971
Summary: Establishes no parking on either side of Cook Farm Road and West Shore Manor Road.
Title: Ordinance - Apulia, Bamerick and Coye Roads (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: September 8th, 1969
Summary: Establishes no parking on Apulia Road between Bamerick and Coye and Coye Road between Smokey Hollow and Apulia Road.
Title: Traffic Ordinance - Apulia Road (.pdf) [12 KB]
Date: July 3rd, 1967
Summary: Establishes no parking in West Shore Manor.
Title: Motion - Pioneer Road
Date: April 13th, 1998
Summary: At intersection with Norman Drive.
Title: Motion - Palmer Road
Date: October 13th, 1986
Summary: Places a stop sign eastbound at intersection of Clark Hollow.
Title: Ordinance - Bella Vista Drive Stop Sign (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: July 14th, 1980
Summary: Places a stop sign at the nor easterly corner of intersection with Norman Drive.
Title: Ordinance - Palmer Road Stop Sign (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: December 11th, 1972
Summary: Places a stop sign at intersection of Palmer Road and Clark Hollow.
Title: Ordinance - Mondore and Winacre Drives (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: October 10th, 1988
Summary: Establishes a five-ton limit.
Title: Ordinance - Tully Farms Road Extension (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: September 14th, 1987
Summary: Establishes a five-ton limit.
Title: Motion - Cascade, Palmer, and Clark Hollow Roads (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: October 13th, 1986
Summary: Establishes a five-ton limit.
Title: Ordinance - Markland Road (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: February 13th, 1978
Summary: Establishes a five-ton limit.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1975 - Vehicular Traffic (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: 1975
Summary: Provides the exclusion of certain vehicular traffic along and over certain road in the Town of LaFayette. (Commane Road between LaFayette Road and Sentinel Heights and Tully Farms Road Ext. between Routes 20 and 11A - 4-ton weight limit.)
Title: Incidental Contract Agreement (.pdf) [15 KB]
Summary: Contractor incidental contract agreement.
Title: Local Law 2 - 1999 - Assessor Clerk and Assessor (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: March 22nd, 1999
Summary: Authorizes that the Assessor Clerk and Assessor may be held by the same person.
Title: Local Law 3 - 1990 - Councilman and Highway Department (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: November 26th, 1990
Summary: Creates an exception to the rule of incompatibility of office for Councilman and Highway Department.
Title: Local Law 3 - 1981 - Officers and Employees (.pdf) [17 KB]
Date: April 13th, 1981
Summary: Provides legal defense and indemnification from financial loss for officers and employees of the Town of LaFayette who must defend civil actions or proceedings brought against them in their individual capacities for alleged actions or omissions in the performance of their official duties and responsibilities.
Title: Resolution - Repealing 1953 Ordinance (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: February 10th, 2003
Title: Ordinance - Indoor/Outdoor Motor Boats (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: June 15th, 1953
Title: Ordinance Amending 1970 Ordinance (.pdf) [21 KB]
Date: February 26th, 2007
Summary: Amends enforcement and penalties.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1974 - Fees Adopted
Date: April 8th, 1974
Summary: Establishes the payment of juror's fees in civil cases only.
Title: Resolution - Biennial Election of 2
Date: June 23rd, 1939
Title: Ordinance - Littering (.pdf) [13 KB]
Date: April 17th, 1992
Summary: Establishes the littering ordinance for the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Resolution - Overseer of the Poor (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: February 19th, 1878
Summary: Establishes that there will be one elected overseer.
Title: Local Law 2 - 2003 - Establishing Alternate Member (.pdf) [11 KB]
Date: January 27th, 2003
Summary: Provides for the appointment of alternate members to the Town Planning Board.
Title: Procurement Policy (.pdf) [18 KB]
Date: January 1st, 2001 (amended)
Summary: Establishes the procurement policy for the Town of Lafayette.
Title: Public Assemblies Permit (.pdf) [37 KB]
Date: January 27th, 2003 (amended)
Title: Local Law 5 - 2003 - Public Assemblies (.pdf) [21 KB]
Date: May 12th, 2003
Summary: Amends Local Law No. 2 of 1986 regarding public assemblies within the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Local Law 4 - 1982 - Ordinances and Amendments (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: July 12th, 1982
Summary: Establishes the policy for the publication of summaries of ordinances and amendments to ordinances.
Title: Resolution - Records Retention and Disposition (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: February 13th, 1989
Summary: Establishes the policy for records retention and disposition.
Title: Resolution - Creating Reserve Development Fund (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: May 22nd, 1989
Summary: Creates the town reserve development fund.
Title: Resolution - Distribution of Sales Tax (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: May 10th, 1982
Summary: Outlines the distribution of sales tax to the state, county, and towns and villages.
Title: Local Law 1-2024
To amend Chapter 290 (Zoning), Article (District Regulations), Section 290-7 (Hamlet District) of the Code for the Town of LaFayette to add a new permitted use
Title: Local Law 2-2024
To amend Chapter 290 (Zoning), Article IV (Parking: Signs, etc.), Section 290-16 (Parking) of the Code for the Town of LaFayette to change the number of required parking spaces.
Title: Local Law 3-2024
To override the tax levy limit established in NY General Municipal Law § 3-c
Title: Local Law 1-2023
To amend Chapter 116 of the Code for the Town of LaFayette to update the code enforcement program of the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 2-2023
To amend Chapter 290 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of LaFayette by adding new section 290-25.1 regulating the installation and operation of large wind energy systems
Title: Local Law 3-2023
To amend Chapter 245 (Taxation) of the Code for the Town of LaFayette to add a new Article IX creating a Volunteer Firefighter and Volunteer Ambulance Workers Real Property Tax Exemption with the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 4-2023
To amend Chapter 137 (dogs) of the Code of the Town of LaFayette by changing the title to read "Dog and Cat Control" and adding new controls on cats and dogs.
Title: Local Law 5-2023
To override the tax levy limit established in NY General Municipal Law 3-c.
Title: Local Law 1-2022
To amend Chapter 290, section 290-32(H) (Solar Fams) of the Code of the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 2-2022
To amend the zoning map referenced in Chapter 290 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of LaFayette to change the zoning classification of the parcels located at 3218 and 3222 Route 11 from AG - Agricultural/Residential to I-Industrial
Title: Local Law 3-2022
A local law creating Chapter 90 Entitled "Town Board Policies" that implements various town policies and procedures including videoconferencing for town public bodies
Title: Local Law 4-2022
To override the tax levy limit established in NY General Municipal Law § 3-C
Title: Local Law 1-2021 -
To amend Chapter 15 (Conservation Commission) of the Code of the Town of LaFayette by changing the composition and voting rights of its members.
Title: Local Law 2-2021
Local law to opt out of Real Property Tax Law 487 exemption.
Title: Local Law 3 - 2021
Local law adopted pursuant to New York Cannabis Law 131 opting out of licensing and establishing retail cannabis dispensaries and on-site cannabis consumption establishments within the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Local Law 4 - 2021
A local law prohibiting the smoking and vaping of cannabis products at all Town of LaFayette Owned properties.
Title: Local Law 1 2020 -
Local Law to adopt a revised zoning code for the Town of LaFayette and amend the zoning maps referenced in Article I, Section C of the Town of LaFayette 1970 Zoning Ordinance to add a new R1 district.
Title: Local Law 2 2020 -
A local law to provide for the codification of the local laws, ordinances and certain resolutions of the Town of LaFayette into a Municipal Code to be designated the "Code of the Town of LaFayette".
Title: Local Law 1 2019 -
Local Law To provide for the residency requirement of appointed public officers
Title: Local Law 1 2018 -
Local Law to Amend the 1970 Zoning Ordinance of the Town of LaFayette to add a new article regulating Solar Energy systems in the town.
Title: Local Law 2 2018 -
Local Law to Amend the 1970 Zoning Ordinance of the Town of LaFayette to add provisions governing site plan review for manure storage facilities associated with concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO’s) and to repeal Local Law No. 2-2017 which related to the same subject matter
Title: Local Law 3 2018 -
Local Law Overriding the Tax Levy Limit Established in the New York General Municipal Law §3-c in and for the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 1 2017 -
Local Law Extending for an additional 6-month period the Moratorium on Free Standing Solar Panel Installations with the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 2 2017 -
Local Law to AMEND the 1970 Zoning Ordinance of the Town of LaFayette to Create Site Plan Review Regulations for Liquid Manure Storage Facilities.
Title: Local Law 3 2017 -
Local Law Overriding the Tax Levy Limit Established in the New York General Municipal Law §3-c in and for the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 4 2017 -
Local Law AMENDING Local Law 3-2009 relating to a Tax Exemption for Cold War Veterans in Accordance with §458-b of the New York State Real Property Tax Law
Title: Local Law 5 2017 -
Local Law Extending for an Additional 6-month period the Moratorium on the Review and/ or Issuance of Any and All Permits, Certificates, Licenses, and Appeals for the Construction, Use or Operation of Free Standing Solar Panel Installations within the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 1 2016 -
Local Law AMENDING Local Law 1-1987 to repeal the existing language and to enact replacement language relating to Flood Damage Prevention in the Town of LaFayette, as authorized by the New York State Constitution, Article IX, Section 2 and the Environmental Conservation Law, Article 36 and adopting new flood maps for the Town.
Title: Local Law 2 2016 -
Local Law AMENDING Section1 of Local Law 4-2009 to Repeal the Existing Language and Replace it with New Language Relating to the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Title: Local Law 3 2016 -
Local Law Imposing a 6-month Moratorium on Free Standing Solar Panel Installations with the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 1 2015 -
Local Law to Enact New Regulations Regarding the Abatement of Unhealthful, Hazardous and Dangerous Conditions due to Accumulations of Brush, Grass, and Weeds on Improved Property within the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 2 2015 -
Local Law to Enact the Town of LaFayette Computer System Security Breach Notification Policy
Title: Local Law 1 2014 -
Local Law Authorizing the Town of LaFayette Town Board to override the limit on the amount of real property taxes that may be levied by the Town of LaFayette pursuant to General Municipal Law §3-c, and allow the Town of LaFayette to adopt a Town Budget for the fiscal year 2015 which is in excess of the “tax levy limit”.
Title: Local Law 1 2013 -
Local Law Extending the Moratorium and Prohibition within the Town of LaFayette on Natural Gas and Petroleum Exploration and Extraction Activities, Underground Storage or Natural Gas, and Disposal of Natural Gas or Petroleum Extraction, Exploration and Production Wastes
Title: Local Law 1 2012 -
Local Law Effecting a Moratorium and Prohibition within the Town of LaFayette on Natural Gas and Petroleum Exploration and Extraction Activities, Underground Storage of Natural Gas, and Disposal of Natural Gas or Petroleum Extraction, Exploration and Production Wastes
Title: Local Law 2 2012 -
Local Law to AMEND Stormwater Management Requirements and Controls in the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law 3 2012 -
Local Law AMENDING Law 3-2009 relating to an Exemption for Cold War Veterans in Accordance with New York State Real Property Tax Law § 458-b, to provide a New Definition for Cold War Veteran.
Title: Local Law 1 2011 - Local Law Amending the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of LaFayette, Originally Adopted by the Town of LaFayette Planning Board on May 12, 1987 Approved by the Town of LaFayette Town Board on July 13, 1987 and Ratified by the Town Board by local Law 4-2007, As Amended
Title: Local Law 2 2011 -
Local Law Amending Local Law 2-2007, Regulating Erosion/ Sediment Control & Stormwater Management in the Town of LaFayette
Title: Local Law No. 2 (.pdf) [12 KB]
Date: 1995
Summary: Imposes a moratorium prohibiting the issuance of specific permits and/or controlled site approval for accessory uses to single family dwellings in agricultural/residential districts.
Title: Ordinance - Adult Uses (.pdf) [23 KB]
Date: April 9th, 2001
Summary: Amends the 1970 Zoning Ordinance with respect to adult uses.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1983 (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: April 11th, 1983
Summary: Related to the issuance and service of appearance tickets.
Title: Full Value Approved (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: January 28th, 1997
Title: Local Law 2 - 1993 (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: March 8th, 1993
Summary: Adopts a uniform percentage of assessment value.
Title: Local Law 1 - 2008 - Persons with Disabilities Exemption (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: February 11th, 2008
Summary: Amends Local Law 1 - 2004. Provides an increase in the partial real property tax exemptions for persons with disabilities whose incomes are limited by reason of such disabilities and raising income levels ranging from $27,000 to $35,400 for 2008, $28,000 to $36,400 for 2009, and $29,000 to $37,400 for 2010.
Title: Partial Exemption From Real Proper Taxes for Persons 65+ (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: February 11th, 2008
Summary: Resolution authorizing a partial exemption from real property taxes for persons 65 years of age and older and increasing the income limitation relative to same in the Town of LaFayette from $27,000 to $35,400 for 2008, $28,000 to $36,400 for 2009, and $29,000 to $37,400 for 2010.
Title: Local Law 1 - 2007 - Veterans Tax Exemption Law (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: February 26th, 2007
Summary: Amends Local Law 2 - 1998. Related to the implementation of the authority granted local taxing jurisdictions by Section 458-a of the New York Real Property Tax Law regarding veteran's real property exemption.
Title: Local Law 3 - 2004 (.pdf) [13 KB]
Date: September 27th, 2004
Summary: Allows local municipalities to establish a category of tax exemption for improvements to residential real property, in accordance with New York State Real Property Tax Law 459, that facilitates and accommodates the use and accessibility of the real property for persons who are physically disabled.
Title: State Law Establishing 4-Year Terms
Date: 1981
Title: Resolution - 3 Assessors Elected (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: April 8th, 1834
Title: Resolution - 3 Assessors (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: August 10th, 1832
Title: Local Law 3 - 1992 (.pdf) [47 KB]
Date: June 15th, 1992
Summary: Authorizes the conduct of bingo by authorized organizations in the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Motion - Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Issuance (.pdf) [12 KB]
Date: February 9th, 1998
Summary: Authorization to issue Temporary Certificate of Occupancy as long as portion or portions of building may be occupied safely.
Title: Motion - Building Permit Fees
Date: September 23rd, 1996
Summary: Increases building permit fees.
Title: Local Law 2 - 1982 (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: March 8th, 1982
Summary: Repeals the business investment tax exemption.
Title: Motion - Returned for Insufficient Funds Fee
Date: February 26th, 1996
Title: Motion - Posting of Fee
Date: February 26th, 1996
Title: Ordinance - Licensing
Date: May 10th, 1955
Summary: Regulates circuses, carnivals, shows or other exhibitions for money or hire in any place within the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Local Law 3 - 1998 - NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (.pdf) [25 KB]
Date: May 4th, 1998
Summary: Provides for the administration and enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Title: Resolution - Enforce Zoning and Junk Yard (.pdf) [16 KB]
Date: June 27th, 1983
Summary: Authorizes the Zoning Officer to administer and enforce the Zoning Ordinance, investigate complaints, make inspections, serve notices of violations, issue appearance tickets to the extent authorized by state and local law, and institute such further action as necessary to terminate violations of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Electrical Inspection Ordinance (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: June 11th, 1973
Summary: Establishes the position of Electrical Inspector and sets forth duties and violations there under.
Title: Ordinance Amending Electrical Inspection Ordinance
Date: September 13th, 1993
Summary: Amends Section 1 - Electrical Inspector definition.
Title: Resolution - First Zoning Officer (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: June 16th, 1958
Summary: Appoints the first Zoning Offices.
Title: Local Law 3 - 1982 - Powers (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: March 22nd, 1982
Summary: Expands the powers of the Town Constables.
Title: Resolution - 5 Be Elected
Date: February 11th, 1896
Title: Local Law 1 - 1968 (.pdf) [17 KB]
Date: December 9th, 1968
Summary: Provides for the continuity of government of the Town of LaFayette in the event of an attack or public disaster.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1998 - Dangerous Conditions (.pdf) [14 KB]
Date: February 23rd, 1998
Summary: Requires prior written notice of certain dangerous conditions.
Title: Local Law 3 - 2000 - Development and Project Fees (.pdf) [27 KB]
Date: August 14th, 2000
Summary: Relates to development and project fees in the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Disaster Preparedness Plan (.pdf) [39 KB]
Date: 1993 (adopted); August 2003 (updated/approved)
Summary: The Disaster Preparedness Plan is prepared for the Town of LaFayette by the authority of Article 2-B of the New York State Executive Law for Comprehensive Emergency Management Planning.
Title: Local Law 1 - 2007 - Dog Seizure Fees in the Town of LaFayette (.pdf) [13 KB]
Date: January 8th, 2007
Summary: Amends Local law 1 - 1981 pertaining to dog seizure fees in the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Resolution - Impoundment Fees (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: April 8th, 2002
Summary: Determines and sets impoundment fees.
Title: Animal Control Guidelines (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: August 25th, 1999
Summary: Establishes animal control guidelines.
Title: Local Law 3 - 1978 - Dog License Fees (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: September 25th, 1978
Summary: Increases dog license fees.
Title: Ordinance (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: February 28th, 1994
Summary: Creates a new type of felony drug offense for the criminal sale of a controlled substance, including alcohol, to a person less than 19 years of age in or on the property of an elementary or high school or within 1000 feet of the school's boundary line.
Title: Amendment
Date: October 24th, 2005
Summary: Amends health insurance contributions.
Title: Local Law 2 - 1985 - Environmental Quality Review (.pdf) [15 KB]
Date: April 8th, 1985
Summary: Pursuant to Article 8 of the New York Environmental Conservation Law providing for environmental quality review of actions which might have a significant effect on the environment.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1971 - Establishment of Commission (.pdf) [15 KB]
Date: April 12th, 1971
Summary: Establishes a commission for conservation of the environment of the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1992 - Code and Board of Ethics (.pdf) [15 KB]
Date: February 24th, 1992
Summary: Relates to a Code of Ethics and a Board of Ethics for the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Guidelines and Application (.pdf) [19 KB]
Date: 2003
Title: Motion - 4.5 Feet High (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: March 14th, 1826
Title: Fire Protection District (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: June 18th, 1945
Summary: Establishes a fire protection district.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1987 - Flood Damage Prevention (.pdf) [33 KB]
Date: February 23rd, 1987
Summary: Amends Local Law 3 - 1985.
Title: Law 1 - 1978 - Authorizing Games of Chance (.pdf) [28 KB]
Date: 1978
Summary: Authorizes the conduct of games of chance by authorized organizations in the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Local Law 2 - 1994 - Regulation and Licensing of Hawkers, Peddlers and Solicitors (.pdf) [15 KB]
Date: August 8th, 1994
Summary: Relates to the regulation and licensing of hawkers, peddlers and solicitors in the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Application Form Amended
Date: 1994
Title: Summer Ridge/Naomi Rd. Extension
Date: February 9th, 2004
Summary: Dedicates section of Naomi Road.
Title: Hazardous Material Response Plan (.pdf) [24 KB]
Date: March 19th, 2002
Summary: Addresses health and safety protection for the Town of LaFayette Highway Department.
Title: Written Hazard Communication Program (.pdf) [17 KB]
Date: 2002
Summary: Ensures that the Town of LaFayette is in compliance with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) 29CFR1910.1200.
Title: Lockout Tagout Program (.pdf) [24 KB]
Date: 2002
Summary: Establishes the minimum requirements for the lockout or tagout of energy isolating devices.
Title: Hazardous Material Incident Procedure (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: 2002
Summary: Addresses the health and safety of employees who could encounter hazardous material incidents during performance of their routine duties.
Title: Motion - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program (.pdf) [13 KB]
Date: February 26th, 1996
Summary: Adopts the regulations of the drug and alcohol testing program.
Title: Highway Construction Specifications Adopted (.pdf) [64 KB]
Date: June 1984
Summary: Adopts the highway contraction specifications. Amended November 26th, 2001.
Title: Ordinance - Apulia Road and West Shore Manor Traffic (.pdf) [13 KB]
Date: July 3rd, 1967
Summary: Prohibits the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles on both sides of Apulia Road between Coye and Crolick residence and on both sides of Apulia from north of Virgil White farm to Erie Lackawanna Railroad crossing and on both sides of West Shore Manor.
Title: Resolution - Winacre Drive Extension (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: May 29th, 1963
Summary: Establishes the Winacre Drive extension.
Title: Resolution - Q-Track (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: August 23rd, 1956
Summary: Accepts portion of .1386 mile.
Title: Resolution - Route 81 (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: June 21st, 1954
Summary: Endorses proposed expressway.
Title: Resolution - One Commissioner (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: February 18th, 1951
Title: Resolution - Two Commissioners (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: February 16th, 1947
Title: Resolution - Jamesville Crossing renamed West Shore Manor (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: August 5th, 1940
Title: Thornapple Lane (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: March 26th, 2001
Summary: Certificate of Abandonment.
Title: Ordinance - Meeker Hill Road Conveyance (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: July 9th, 1990
Summary: Discontinues portion to Conners and Plumptons.
Title: Motion - Old Route 11 (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: June 24th, 1996
Summary: Establishes the Town of Lafayette has no use for this portion of road.
Title: Resolution - Unused Portion Route 11 (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: June 11th, 1962
Title: Resolution - Unused Portion Route 11 (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: August 14th, 1961
Title: Resolution - Conklin Falls Bridge #13 and Tunnell Hill Bridge #15 (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: November 10th, 1938
Summary: Abandons the Conklin Falls Road Bridge No. 13 and Tunnell Hill Road Bridge No. 15.
Title: Motion - Groth Road (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: October 13th, 1997
Summary: Establishes no parking for the last 150 feet of road and the bus turnaround.
Title: Motion - Jamesville Grove to Jamesville Dam, Route 91 (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: February 24th, 1997
Summary: Establishes no parking from Jamesville Dam to the Grove along Route 91.
Title: Motion - End of Markland Road (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: October 28th, 1996
Title: Ordinance - County Garage Road (.pdf) [15 KB]
Date: October 15th, 1993
Summary: Establishes no parking on both sides of County Garage Road (Route 267).
Title: Ordinance - Smokey Hollow Road (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: November 28th, 1988
Summary: Establishes no parking 250 feet of culvert under Smokey Hollow Road.
Title: Local Law 4 - 1985 - Parking on Dodge and Onativia Roads (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: October 28th, 1985
Summary: Establishes no parking on Dodge Road and Onativia Road.
Title: Ordinance - Ochsner Road (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: April 11th, 1983
Summary: Establishes no parking on Ochsner Road right-of-way from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Title: Ordinance - Apulia Road (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: July 14th, 1980
Summary: Establishes no parking on both sides of Apulia Road from Dodge Road to 2000 feet north.
Title: Ordinance - Berry and Chase Roads (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: September 12th, 1977
Summary: Establishes no parking on both sides of Berry Road from Morezak Road to Maplewood Cemetery.
Title: Ordinance - Mondore Drive (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: May 16th, 1974
Summary: Establishes no parking on the north side of Mondore Drive from Route 11 to Bella Vista Drive.
Title: Ordinance - Cook Farm Road and West Shore Manor (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: August 10th, 1971
Summary: Establishes no parking on either side of Cook Farm Road and West Shore Manor Road.
Title: Ordinance - Apulia, Bamerick and Coye Roads (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: September 8th, 1969
Summary: Establishes no parking on Apulia Road between Bamerick and Coye and Coye Road between Smokey Hollow and Apulia Road.
Title: Traffic Ordinance - Apulia Road (.pdf) [12 KB]
Date: July 3rd, 1967
Summary: Establishes no parking in West Shore Manor.
Title: Motion - Pioneer Road
Date: April 13th, 1998
Summary: At intersection with Norman Drive.
Title: Motion - Palmer Road
Date: October 13th, 1986
Summary: Places a stop sign eastbound at intersection of Clark Hollow.
Title: Ordinance - Bella Vista Drive Stop Sign (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: July 14th, 1980
Summary: Places a stop sign at the nor easterly corner of intersection with Norman Drive.
Title: Ordinance - Palmer Road Stop Sign (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: December 11th, 1972
Summary: Places a stop sign at intersection of Palmer Road and Clark Hollow.
Title: Ordinance - Mondore and Winacre Drives (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: October 10th, 1988
Summary: Establishes a five-ton limit.
Title: Ordinance - Tully Farms Road Extension (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: September 14th, 1987
Summary: Establishes a five-ton limit.
Title: Motion - Cascade, Palmer, and Clark Hollow Roads (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: October 13th, 1986
Summary: Establishes a five-ton limit.
Title: Ordinance - Markland Road (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: February 13th, 1978
Summary: Establishes a five-ton limit.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1975 - Vehicular Traffic (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: 1975
Summary: Provides the exclusion of certain vehicular traffic along and over certain road in the Town of LaFayette. (Commane Road between LaFayette Road and Sentinel Heights and Tully Farms Road Ext. between Routes 20 and 11A - 4-ton weight limit.)
Title: Incidental Contract Agreement (.pdf) [15 KB]
Summary: Contractor incidental contract agreement.
Title: Local Law 2 - 1999 - Assessor Clerk and Assessor (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: March 22nd, 1999
Summary: Authorizes that the Assessor Clerk and Assessor may be held by the same person.
Title: Local Law 3 - 1990 - Councilman and Highway Department (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: November 26th, 1990
Summary: Creates an exception to the rule of incompatibility of office for Councilman and Highway Department.
Title: Local Law 3 - 1981 - Officers and Employees (.pdf) [17 KB]
Date: April 13th, 1981
Summary: Provides legal defense and indemnification from financial loss for officers and employees of the Town of LaFayette who must defend civil actions or proceedings brought against them in their individual capacities for alleged actions or omissions in the performance of their official duties and responsibilities.
Title: Resolution - Repealing 1953 Ordinance (.pdf) [6 KB]
Date: February 10th, 2003
Title: Ordinance - Indoor/Outdoor Motor Boats (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: June 15th, 1953
Title: Ordinance Amending 1970 Ordinance (.pdf) [21 KB]
Date: February 26th, 2007
Summary: Amends enforcement and penalties.
Title: Local Law 1 - 1974 - Fees Adopted
Date: April 8th, 1974
Summary: Establishes the payment of juror's fees in civil cases only.
Title: Resolution - Biennial Election of 2
Date: June 23rd, 1939
Title: Ordinance - Littering (.pdf) [13 KB]
Date: April 17th, 1992
Summary: Establishes the littering ordinance for the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Resolution - Overseer of the Poor (.pdf) [7 KB]
Date: February 19th, 1878
Summary: Establishes that there will be one elected overseer.
Title: Local Law 2 - 2003 - Establishing Alternate Member (.pdf) [11 KB]
Date: January 27th, 2003
Summary: Provides for the appointment of alternate members to the Town Planning Board.
Title: Procurement Policy (.pdf) [18 KB]
Date: January 1st, 2001 (amended)
Summary: Establishes the procurement policy for the Town of Lafayette.
Title: Public Assemblies Permit (.pdf) [37 KB]
Date: January 27th, 2003 (amended)
Title: Local Law 5 - 2003 - Public Assemblies (.pdf) [21 KB]
Date: May 12th, 2003
Summary: Amends Local Law No. 2 of 1986 regarding public assemblies within the Town of LaFayette.
Title: Local Law 4 - 1982 - Ordinances and Amendments (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: July 12th, 1982
Summary: Establishes the policy for the publication of summaries of ordinances and amendments to ordinances.
Title: Resolution - Records Retention and Disposition (.pdf) [9 KB]
Date: February 13th, 1989
Summary: Establishes the policy for records retention and disposition.
Title: Resolution - Creating Reserve Development Fund (.pdf) [8 KB]
Date: May 22nd, 1989
Summary: Creates the town reserve development fund.
Title: Resolution - Distribution of Sales Tax (.pdf) [10 KB]
Date: May 10th, 1982
Summary: Outlines the distribution of sales tax to the state, county, and towns and villages.
Town Of LaFayette | 2577 US Route 11 | P.O. Box 193 |LaFayette, NY 13084
Phone: (315) 677-3674 | Fax: (315) 677-7806
Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9:00 am - 4:00 pm | Closed Fridays May - October | Tuesdays: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm or by appointment
[email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected]
Phone: (315) 677-3674 | Fax: (315) 677-7806
Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9:00 am - 4:00 pm | Closed Fridays May - October | Tuesdays: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm or by appointment
[email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected]