Lafayette Town Court PO Box 135 LaFayette, NY 13084 Fax (315)677-4622 Hut Permit: 1. If you receive a ticket for not having a hut permit and you applied for the HUT permit after receiving your ticket, Send us a copy of the Hut voucher showing the date you applied for it along with a copy of the ticket via fax or by mail. Correctable Offenses 2. Correctable offenses can be sent to us as well with proof of the correction either by mail or fax with a copy of your ticket and your plea filled in. The correction needs to be done at the truck stop or within 24 hours. If the employer is taking care of the correction and wants the response from the judge mailed to them, please include the address and name of the company along with a phone number to call in case we have any questions. Out of Service 3. If your tractor trailer was deemed "out of service", it is not a correctable offense. Pleading Guilty 4. If you are pleading guilty you need to fill out the guilty portion on your ticket along with your correct address and mail it to us. We will give the ticket to the judge to set the fine and mail you the fine notice. If your company is paying the fine make sure to include a note stating this with the company name and address to send the fine notice to. Pleading Not Guilty 5. If your are pleading not guilty, send us your ticket with the not guilty portion filled out and include a letter as to why you are pleading not guilty along with a copy of your driver's abstract (or drivers history) that goes back 3-5 years. We will give it to the District Attorney to review for a possible reduction. The District Attorney comes in once a month. Paying your Fine 6. We accept money orders or bank certified checks. You can also pay your fine Thru NCourt our credit card company. You can pay by phone at 1-888-912-1541 or online at You will be paying an extra fee for the convenience of paying by credit card. You will need your ticket number to pay by credit card. Suspensions 7. If your fine is not paid, your license can be suspended. Please make sure to follow up on your ticket as it is in your (driver) name and your (driver) license will be suspended. New York State is reciprocal with all 50 states and if your license is from a different state, New York will notify the state your license is from. You will have suspension fees plus your fine to pay.